Cards from earlier Trainer Kit products that don’t appear in a Black & White, XY, or Sun & Moon Series expansion.Non-foil basic Energy cards from preconstructed decks.Any card from the HeartGold & SoulSilver Series or the Call of Legends expansion, including Black Star Promo cards.Please find below a list of items that will not be migrated from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live. Which items will not migrate from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live? Unopened XY and Sun & Moon Series tin products that unlock a 60-card deck in the Pokémon TCG Online will be converted to one copy of that tin's promo card on migration.Note that there will be a cap on the amount of in-game currency you can receive. Unopened Black & White, XY, Sun & Moon, and Sword & Shield Series booster packs, preconstructed decks (expansion and incremental), Build & Battle Boxes, and League reward products will be converted to Pokémon TCG Live in-game currency on migration.Example: Dragon Majesty Super-Premium Collection. Premium Collection card sleeves, deck boxes, and coins.Elite Trainer Box (ETB) card sleeves, deck boxes, and coins.XY, Sun & Moon, and Sword & Shield Series incremental products.

XY, Sun & Moon, and Sword & Shield Series League card sleeves, deck boxes, and coins.2013–2019 World Championships card sleeves, deck boxes, and coins.Note that several Pokémon TCG Online coins share the same art, so all owned Pokémon TCG Online coins will be mapped to a single Pokémon TCG Live coin with same art. Coins included with preconstructed decks.All cards from the Black & White, XY, Sun & Moon, and Sword & Shield However, please note that players will see unimplemented cards as owned in Deck Manager, but they will not be accessible to add to decks or play until implemented.What items will migrate from the Pokémon TCG Online to Pokémon TCG Live?